
September 19, 2018   Written by: Katie Khoury

Interviews can be intimidating. Trying to fit 20 years of experience into a three-minute summary, coming up with thoughtful questions to ask a hiring manager and figuring out what to wear are just a few common interview challenges. That’s where the 10 T.E.C.H.N.I.Q.U.E.S. by Career Building Solutions President and CEO, Mike Blogna, come into play. Blogna has over 20 years of experience in the recruitment industry and has helped hundreds of people prep for the biggest interviews of their lives. In doing so, he came up with the following techniques to help you land your dream job.

T. – Tangibles – Things that you prepare prior to your interview

-Resume   -Application completed   -Research on the company   -Work samples  -References (two professional & two personal)   -Directions to the company & all contact information

E. – Experience – The experience you have that makes you appropriate for the position

-Formal & informal experience   -How your experience relates to the position for which you are interviewing

C. – Communication – Verbal & non-verbal

-Talk 50% of the time   -Written must be flawless   -Appearance -Personal presence   -Attitude

H. – Honesty – Presenting yourself in an honest & forthright manner

-Humility   -Experience is true, quantifiable & able to be validated   -All schooling is documented appropriately – degrees conferred, grades achieved

N. – Notes – Notes will keep you organized and on track

-Arrive with notes of questions you’d like to ask about the position, your role or other items of importance (not compensation)   -Take notes during the interview: questions, facts, names

I. – Interest – Show your interest in a positive manner

-Demonstrate interest in the company, industry & position   -Communicate your interest by demonstrating knowledge through asking appropriate questions or questions that lead with a statement or fact

Q. – Questions – Be prepared to ask and answer appropriate questions

-Have answers ready for some of the more common questions   -Think of questions you would have a hard time answering & prepare answers ahead of time for those   -Develop a list of questions to ask the interviewer

U. – Uniqueness – The ‘U’ factor

-What makes you special   -Selling yourself- you are the product that you are ‘selling’ to the company   -Pull the package together

E. – Examine – Tying the interview together by examining your performance

-Your chance to close the interview on a strong note by eliminating any red flags on the part of you or the recruiter   -Ask direct questions   -Ask the recruiter if they have any concerns about you or your experience    -Ask if all of their questions about you have been answered to their satisfaction

S. – Salary – Salary is just one component of compensation package

-Last thing you should worry about during the interview   -Understand the factors that make up a salary decision

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